Fahma Amar ,M.D.
- professor of internal medicine ,Unit of diabetes &Metabolism ,Alexandria university (1983)
- Chairman of the same unit (1983-1966)
- Chairman of the internal Medical Department (1999-2001)
- Actual president of the Egyptian Association for Endocrinology ,Diabetes &Atherosclerosis (EAEDA)
Position in different societies :
- President of the association for diabetic patients care in Alexandria
- Secretary general of the Egyptian society for Endocrinology ,Metabolism &Diabetes
- Member de la societe francaise D’Endocrinology
- Member of the the European Neuro-endocrine association.
- Member of the EASD ,ADA ,MGSD &IDF
- Member of the New York Academy of sciences
- Member of the American Association for advancement of science
- One of 2000 outstanding intellectuals of the 21st Century (international Biographical) Center ,Cambridge ,UK ,2003.
- Certificate of appreciation ,University of Benghazy ,Libya,1978
- Excellence in scientific research ,Alexandria University ,Egypt ,1979.
- Certification of the appreciation ,International Diabetes Federation (IDF)1991.
Publications: - More than 100 peer reviewed scientific research papers in local and international journals in English and French languages .
- A book on “Basic Clinical Endocrinology “ ,Alexandria University press (1988,1991)
- One chapter on “Vascular changes in Diabetes” in the international text book on Physiological Fluid dynamics, Narosa Publishing House ,2002.
- One chapter in “Advances in Medical Diagnostic Techniques and procedures”, Anshan publishers UK,2005.