Webinars 2020

ILEP Webinars on optimal management with lipid disorders in 2020!

How to treat those with Covid-19 and not to forget about those without!


 WEBINAR 1: Why we are not effective in diagnosis and therapy of lipid disorders in 2020? 

Date: Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020 (7 pm-8.30 pm CEST).

Prof. Maciej Banach
Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute, Lodz (Poland)
Prof. Željko Reiner
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)
Prof. Dan Gaita
Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine, Timisoara (Romania)
Prof. Daniel Pella
Pavol Jozef Safarik University (UPJS), Kosice (Slovakia)

– Actual epidemiological situation on the prevalence and effectiveness of therapy of hypercholesterolemia in CEE based on the most recent data (including NCDRisC and GBD analyses and EuroASPIRE V recent analyses),

– Risk stratification and diagnosis of severe hypercholesterolemia based on new ESC/EAS 2019 guidelines, and how to do it correctly in the time of coronavirus infection, 

– Primary prevention patients at CVD risk – critical, underweight group of patients with dyslipidemias; 

– What is the extremely high CVD risk of patients based on guidelines and the recent PCSK9 inhibitors analyses, as well as based on recent national guidelines, including e.g. PoLA/PSLD guidelines 2020;

– Lack of effectiveness of our therapy (non-adherence, statin intolerance, drug-to-drug interactions, including COVID-19 therapy, physical inertia, anti-statin movements);

– Are there any additional benefits of statins and PCSK9 inhibitors in the fighting against coronavirus infection? PCSK9 inhibitors and their anti-inflammatory role. Statins as the antiviral drugs? 

WEBINAR 2: Where are the patients with FH? The best methods for diagnosis & new guidelines of management.

Date: Friday, June 26th, 2020 (7 pm CEST).


Prof. Maciej Banach
Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute, Lodz (Poland)
Prof. Michal Vrablik
Charles University of Prague, Prague (Czechia)
Prof. Ivan Pećin
University Hospital Centre Zagreb (Croatia)
Prof. Branislav Vohnout
Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, Bratislava (Slovakia)

– What are the best examples on effective diagnosis of FH patients? Do we really need systemic solutions? (Prof. Ivan Pecin, Croatia)– How optimally manage with severe hypercholesterolemia patients, including FH patients, in Covid19 pandemic (and not only) based on the new ILEP and FH Europe (Prof. Michal Vrablík, Czechia)
– The status of #reimbursement of PCSK9 inhibitors in Europe & New data on drugs with the possible applications in FH patients (Prof. Maciej Banach, Poland)
– FH patients at very high and extremely high CV risk – how to effectively achieve <55 and <40 mg/dl? (Prof. Branislav Vohnout, Slovakia)


WEBINAR 3: ACS patients – the greatest challenge for cardiologists, and still even greater for lipidologists! 

Date: Tuesday, June 30th, 2020 (7 pm CEST).


Prof. Maciej Banach
Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute, Lodz (Poland)
Prof. Arman Postadzhiyan
University Hospital St. Anne, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Prof. Zlatko Fras
University Medical Centre Ljubljana, (Slovenia)
Prof. Dariusz Dudek
Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland)


– Why are only a small percentage of ACS patients with hypercholesterolemia treated optimally in Europe – EAPCI President’s perspective? The scheme of lipid lowering intensification therapy and what might be the role of the discharge letter? (Prof. Dariusz Dudek)

– How to optimally treat patients with ACS during hospitalization and after discharge – whether should we immediately start combination therapy and PCSK9 inhibitors during hospitalization?, what is the role of coordination care for ACS patients? (Prof. Zlatko Fras) 

– How should we defined extremely high risk based on available data? Why might they benefit the most from PCSK9 inhibitors? Why it is additionally important now in the Covid-19 pandemic (Prof. Maciej Banach) 

– Practitioner’s recommendation on how to achieve the goal of the therapy <55 form very high risk and <40 for extremely high risk ACS patients based on clinical experience and case reports (Prof. Arman Postadzhiyan) 

WEBINAR 4. Practical case series on how to achieve LDL-C levels in patients at CVD risk. 

Date: Friday, July 3th, 2020 (7 pm CEST).


Prof. Maciej Banach
Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute, Lodz (Poland)
Prof. Gyorgy Paragh
University of Debrecen, Debrecen (Hungary)
Prof. Margus Viigimaa
North Estonia Medical Centre, Tallinn (Estonia)
Prof. Gustavs Latkovskis
Paul Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Riga (Latvia)

– Primary prevention patient at low risk with permanent levels of LDL-C >140 mg/dl despite lifestyle changes. A short talk about a randomised CV precision prevention project in Estonia with CVD polygenic risk score. (Prof. Margus Viigima)

– ACS patient with the history of PAD, diabetes, HTN, smoking and LDL-C =111 mg/dl on statin therapy (Prof. Gustavs Latkovskis)

– HeFH patient with diabetes with LDL-C >120 mg/dL despite maximally tolerated statin therapy; HeFH patient with statin intolerance to atorvastatin 40-80 mg with LDL-C >260 mg/dL without LLT (Prof. Gyorgy Paragh)

– Patient with severe hypercholesterolemia and partial statin intolerance (Prof. Maciej Banach)

Invited guests:

Prof. Sergio Emanuel Kaiser
Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil)
Prof. Leila Azouaou
Department of Medicine of Algiers University (Algeria)
Prof. Ivan Pećin
University Hospital Centre Zagreb (Croatia)
Dr Istvan Reiber
Szent Gyorgy University Teaching Hospital, Szekesfehervar (Hungary)

– A case of CAD progression in a truly statin intolerant patient (Prof. Sergio Emanuel Kaiser (Brazil))

– Lipid disorders in patients with chronic renal failure (Prof. Leila Azouaou (Algeria))

– FH and lp(a) – the end? (Prof. Ivan Pećin (Croatia))

– When high intensity statin plus ezetimibe are not enough… (Dr István Reiber (Hungary))

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