Adrian Covic

Professor Internal Medicine & Nephrology, FERA, FRCP, FESC


Prof. Covic started his clinical and research activity as a fellow in Nephrology in Manchester and Amiens. Later he performed clinical research at the Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio.  He received a Ph.D. on: “Cardiovascular abnormalities and its determinant factors in chronic renal failure” in 1997. Since 2007, he is a FRCP (London) and became in 2009 a member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and in 2018 FRCP (Edin.). He is also a Fellow of the ERA EDTA (FERA) and a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC).

Prof. Covic is a Professor of Nephrology and Internal Medicine at the “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the Director of the Nephrology Clinic and the Transplantation Center in Iasi, Romania. He is also a Specialist in Cardiology. In the past, he served as President of the Romanian Society of Nephrology and Secretary Treasurer of ERA-EDTA.

Prof. Covic published more than 600 original and review papers in peer-reviewed journals, 16 books and 22 chapters. The current Hirsch Index is 68

He is an and Editor in Chief (Nephrology) for the International Journal of Urology and Nephrology, and editor / reviewer for several prestigious journals.

His main areas of interest are: cardiovascular complications in renal disease, CKD-MBD, renal anaemia, peritoneal dialysis, and acute renal failure.

Prof. Covic is the Vice-Rector (Research) of the University of Medicine “Gr. T. POPA” Iasi, Romania and a board member of KDIGO, ERBP, and ERA-EDTA working groups – EURECAM and EUDIAL.

Prof Covic has organized several regional European educational courses under the auspices of ERA EDTA and ISN. For a mandate, he has been chair of the ISN/COMGAN Eastern Europe.