German Atherosclerosis Society

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zirlik, FESC, FACC

Klinik für Kardiologie und Angiologie I          Universitäts-Herzzentrum Freiburg – Bad Krozingen                 

Date of Birth:                   22nd January 1974 in Schweinfurt, Germany

 Training and academic degrees:


1984-1993 Grammar school “Celtis Gymnasium”, Schweinfurt, Germany. Final exam (Abitur) with an average of 1.0. Scholarship of the Bavarian State for highly talented students („Bayerische Bayerischen Hochbegabtenprüfung“).
11/1993-11/1999 Medical Studies at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Trimesters at the

University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA, and the University of Montpellier,

France. Final medical exam (3. Staatsexamen) with an average of 1.0

11/1999 State medical license (Approbation)
11/2001 Academic degree “Dr. med.” with “summa cum laude” from University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
10/2008 State Board („Facharzt“) for Internal Medicine (WBO 2003)
12/2009 Habilitation on the topic „Modulation of inflammatory signaling pathways as therapeutic target in atherosclerosis“, Venia legendi for Internal Medicine/Cardiology
08/2012 State Board („Facharzt“) for Internal Medicine and Cardiology (WBO 2006)
10/2012 Professor for Medicine/Cardiology of the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg, Germany
03/2015 Listing in the appointment procedure for the Chief of Cardiology and University

Professorship/Ordinariat („W3 Professor“) Internal Medicine/ Cardiology at the University of Jena, Germany

03/2015 Designated President of the German Society of Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF)
12/2017 Listing in the appointment procedure for the Chief of Cardiology and University

Professorship/Ordinariat („W3 Professor“) Internal Medicine/ Cardiology at the University of Halle, Germany

03/2018 Call to the Professorship for Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the University Graz, Austria
04/2018 President of the German Society of Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF)

Positions and clinical/academic development:

1/2000-6/2003 Residency in Internal Medicine at the University Hospital of the University of Freiburg, Germany, Department of Cardiology and Angiology (Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode), scientific work on the regulation of the expression of

Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in adipose tissue 

7/2003- 8/2005 Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Cardiovascular Medicine (Prof. Dr. Peter Libby), Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, scientific work on CD40/CD40L-dependent functions in atherosclerosis
9/2005-3/2009 Continuation of clinical and scientific work as Fellow in Internal Medicine/Cardiology at the University Hospital Freiburg, Germany, Department of Cardiology and Angiology (Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode), scientific work on inflammatory signaling pathways in atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome  
Since 9/2005 Principal Investigator/Leader of the Atherogenesis Research Group Freiburg with currently 2 medical technicians, 1 junior group leader, 4 Post-Docs, 2 PhD student and 3 MD students
Since 4/2009 Attending/Consultant („Oberarzt“) in Internal Medicine/Cardiology at the

University Hospital Freiburg, Germany, Department of Cardiology and Angiology (Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode, since 4/2012 transformed into the

Department of Cardiology/Angiology at the University Heart Center Freiburg • Bad Krozingen)

Since 2/2013 Deputy Medical Director of the Department of Cardiology and Angiology I of the University Heart Center Freiburg (Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode) with full clinical and administrative authorities

Clinical Responsibilities and interventional performance numbers:

Since 08/2009  Head of the Heart Failure and Heart Transplantation Unit
Since 01/2010 Member of the 24h PCI team of Attendings/Consultants
Since 10/2010  Head of the Interventional Valve Team (ISAH), specialized on Mitraclip implantations 
Since 01/2011 Member of the 24h on call team of Attendings/Consultants for the ICU
Since 08/2011  Head of the Interventional Hypertensiology/Renal Denervation Unit
Since 02/2013 Research Coordinator of the Department
Since 10/2016


Head of the cardiovascular high risk outpatient service
>4000      Left Heart Catheterizations and PCIs
>500        Right Heart Catheterizations
>200        Myocardial Biopsies
>150        Renal Denervations
>150        Mitraclip Implantations
>100        ECLS and Impella Implantations
>50           Pericardiocentises
>40           TAVI


CardioMEMS Implantations
Prizes and Awards:


1993-1999 Scholarship of the Bavarian State for highly talented students after passing the

High Talent Exam („Hochbegabtenprüfung“), approx. 70.000,- DM in 6 years

10/1998 „Wolfgang-Natonek-Award“ for outstanding study results and special dedication for students’ interests by the Association of Sponsors and Friends of the University of Leipzig, 5,000.- DM
7/2003-6/2004 Research Fellowship by the German Research Foundation („Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft“). Topic: The role of CD40-deficiency in atheromaassociated endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and monocytes/macrophages with special respect to cell type-specific signaling functions, DFG-ZI-743/1-1, approx. 35,000.- Euro

9/2005 -7/2006 Returning from Post-Doc Fellowship by the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg, approx. 30,000.- Euro 

12/2007                              MSD Award for Atherosclerosis/Hypertension 2007, 10,000.- Euro

2018                                     Albert-Fraenkel-Prize of the German Cardiac Society (DGK), 5.200,- Euro




17.08.2011                                  European Patent Application on „Selective Targeting of the CD40L/Mac-1

interaction by small peptide inhibitors and its use for the treatment of inflammation and atherogenesis” (PCT/EP2011/064132 (WO2012005225 A1))

21.06.2016 European Patent Application on “Antibodies for the selective inhibition of inflammation and pharmaceutical compositions containing such antibodies (EP 16175382.7)


Teaching/ Lecturing Experience:

1993-1999 As MD student leader of newly founded POL (Problem oriented Lerning)

Groups, student representative in various academic and university committees

(Faculty Board, Senate, Konzil, Appointment Committees for Professors)

1/2000- 6/2003 Clinical Examination Courses in Internal Medicine
Since 2005 Various Courses and Lectures Internal Medicine and Cardiology (e.g., Bedside

Teaching, Differential Diagnostics of Thoracic Pain, Syncope, Casuistics)

Since 2009 Pathophysiology Lecture (Heart Failure, Atherosclerosis), Main Lecture in Internal Medicine (Acute Coronary Syndrome, Heart Failure, Heart Transplantation, Hypertension), Lecture Molecular Cardiology (Inflammatory mechanisms in atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, and metabolic syndrome)
Since 2010 Member of the Faculty of the International Master Program in Biomedical

Sciences (IMBS), a joint Master/PhD program of the University of Buenos

Aires, Argentina and the University of Freiburg, Germany

Since 2013 Head of the Internal Medicine Module of the Molecular Medicine Study

Program (Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters) of the University of Freiburg


  1. Mentoring of doctoral theses after my Habilitation:
  1. a) Medical doctoral theses:

Isabel Amelie Platzer CD40L induces inflammation in adipose tissue – a potential link between atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome? 

2010, magna cum laude

Benjamin Josef Sommer Analysis of the expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-associated factors in blood of patients with coronary heart disease

2010, magna cum laude

Natascha Köstlin Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-associated factor-1 (TRAF1) and its role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis

2010, summa cum laude

Peter Stachon  The role of TRAF2 and TRAF6 in atherogenesis

2010, summa cum laude

Philipp Rudolf  TRAF5-deficiency promotes atherogenesis in mice by increased recruitment of inflammatory cells and foam cell formation

2011, summa cum laude

Katharina Zeschky The Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) does not modulate the development of atherosclerosis in mice 

2012 magna cum laude

Dennis Wolf           Descriptive and functional characterization of the CD40L/Mac-1 interaction

2012, summa cum laude

Carina Verena Walter TRAFIC – a prospective study of the expression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors in patients with coronary heart disease

2012, magna cum laude

Imke Ilina Remer Syk inhibition by fostamatinib reduces macrophage accumulation in atherosclerotic plaques 2013, magna cum laude
Eva Nora Bukosza Contribution of the CD40L/Mac-1 pathway to the metabolic syndrome

2013, magna cum laude

Johanna Maria Maxeiner The role of microRNA-206 in skeletal muscle regeneration and the pathogenesis

of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, abgeleistet im Labor von Prof. Olson am UT

Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA

2013, magna cum laude

Felix Jehle The role of CD40L and its receptor CD40 in the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome

2014, summa cum laude

Sara Eisele Syk inhibition limits atherogensis in mice

2014, magna cum laude

Louisa Gerhard Ly6Chigh monocytes promote the bisphasic healing after experimental myocardial infarction via Nr4a1

2014, summa cum laude

Shilpa Tiwari The role of CD40L and its receptors in neointima formation in mice

2015, summa cum laude

Alexander Peikert The role of P2Y6 in murine atherosclerosis

2016, summa cum laude

Ansagar Wiedemann Pro-inflammatory functions of the CD40L-Mac-1 interaction 2016, magna cum laude


b) PhD theses (Biology, Pharmacology): 

Dr. med. Anna Missiou 


The role of Tumor Necrosis-Factor-Receptor-Associated Factors (TRAF) 1,5, and 6 in atherosclerosis 2010, magna cum laude
Ortiz-Rodrigues A specific antibody to the CD40L/Mac-1 interaction limits myocardial infarction in mice

2016, magna cum laude

Nathaly Anto Michel Genetic deficiency of TRAF-1 attenuates diet-induced adipose tissue inflammation by limiting the pool of circulating and splenic monocytes in mice

2017, magna cum laude

  1. Ongoing mentoring of doctoral theses:
  2. a) MD theses:
Christian Colberg Differential cell type-specific expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-associated

Factors in murine atherosclerosis and diet-induced obesity, ongoing

Benjamin Ruppert Modulation of the neointima formation by RNAse, ongoing
Lisa Schulte The effect of renal denervation on inflammatory markers and cell populations, ongoing
Katharina Gutte TRAF1-deficiency modulates platelet function, ongoing
Markus Jäckel The role of CD40L-dependent signaling pathways in acute myocardial infarction in mice, ongoing
Alexandra Lindau Syk inhibition with fortamatinib in established atherosclerosis, ongoing
Sejosha Geis The role of P2X7 in murine atherogenesis, ongoing
Adrian Heidenreich The contribution of P2Y2 to de novo atherosclerosis, ongoing
Philipp Albrecht The role of P2Y2 in diet-induced obesity in mice, ongoing
Fathi Ünal Contribution of the purinergic receptor P2Y6 to the metabolic syndrome, ongoing
Colin Gissler The role of TRAF5 in diet-induced obesity, ongoing
Philipp Scherrer The role of CD40L in endothelial cells in Atherogenesis, ongoing
Jan Pennig Hyperglycemia as a regulator of ApoC-III and Atherosclerosis, ongoing
Xia Sheng Immunologic predictors of human atherosclerosis, ongoing
Marwa Ahmed Salem Baroreceptor stimulation vs. renal denervation in therapy-refractory hypertension – a indirect comparison, ongoing
Ibrahim Hassanin The role of P2Y6 receptors for the acute myokardiale infarction in mice, ongoing
Lisa Beiner Characterization of Syk in myokardiale infarction in mice, ongoing
Sunaina von Garlen P2X7 in myokardiale infarction, ongoing
Haitham Saifeldeen Comparison of wide and narrow circumferential antral pulmonary vein isolation in paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation, ongoing
Katharina Pfeiffer



Atherosclerosis progression and – regression induced through Antisense oligo nucleotides in mice, ongoing

b) PhD theses:

Julian Merz The role of purinergic signaling in experimental myocardial infarction, ongoing
  • Mentoring of Diploma-, Master-, and Bachelor theses:
Natalie Regina Stickel The differential role of dendritic cells in experimental autoimmune myocarditis

Diploma thesis Molecular Medicine, 2011, Mark 1.0

Carla Winter          Is homing of the spleen and recruitment from spleen Syk-dependent?

Bachelor Thesis Molecular Medicine, 2012, Mark 1.3

Nathaly Anto Michel Characterization of a novel antibody targeting the CD40L/Mac-1 interaction in vascular disease

IMBS Master Thesis, 2012, 12/12 Points

Leandro Nieto       The role of Syk kinase in progression of murine atherosclerosis

IMBS Master Thesis, 2013, 11/12 Points

  1. Prizes, Stipends und Third Party Funding of mentored members of the Atherogenesis Research Group:

2007-2008                                 Dr. Dennis Wolf, Carl-Duisberg-Stipend of the Bayer Science and Education

Foundation, 9,150.- Euro

  • Dennis Wolf, Poster Prize at the Annual Meeting of the Australian-New

Zealand Society of Cardiology (CSANZ) in Adelaide, Australien, 500.- USD

  • med. Felix Jehle, Boehringer Ingelheim-Stipend „The role of CD40L in adipose tissue – implications for atherosclerosis and the metabolic syndrome, 7,200.- Euro
  • med. Felix Jehle, DAAD Stipend, approx. 5,000.- Euro

2009-2010                                        cand. med. Felix Jehle, Stipend of the Ernst Solway Foundation, approx.

10,000.- Euro

  • Dennis Wolf, ATVB Scientific Sessions Travel Awards for Young

Investigators der American Heart Association (AHA), 500.- USD

  • Dennis Wolf, Best Abstract Award, Annual Meeting of the German Society of Thrombosis and Hemostaseology (GTH), 500.- Euro

2011                                                    Dr. Dennis Wolf, Young Investigator Award of the European Society of

Cardiology (ESC) for „Selective Disruption of the CD40L/Mac-1 Interaction by a Small Peptide Inhibitor Mimicking the EQLKKSKTL Motif Attenuates Inflammation and Atherogenesis in Mice”, 5,000.- Euro

2011 Christian Colberg, PROMOS-Stipend “Function und Regulation of microRNA-880 by CD40 in the Metabolic Syndrome“, approx. 8,500.- Euro

  • med. Christian Colberg, Kaltenbach Stipend of the German Cardiac

Foundation, approx. 5,000.- Euro

  • Ingo Hilgendorf, DFG-Fellowship at the Center for Systems Biology,

Laboratory of Prof. Filip K Swirski, MGH and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (HI 1573/1-1), 80,000.- Euro

  • Dennis Wolf, Poster Award athe the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thrombosis and Haemostaseology (GTH) on “Genetic deficiency of CD40L attenuates diet-induced adipose tissue inflammation – but does not protect from insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in mice“, 500.- Euro
    • Florian Willecke, DFG-Fellowship at the Columbia University, Laboratory of Prof. Dr. Ira Goldberg, New York, NY, USA (WI 4064/1-1), 72,000.- Euro
  • Dennis Wolf, Wilhelm-Stoffel Stipend for Atherosclerosis Research (MSD

Sharp & Dome), 15,000.- Euro

2013                                                Dr. Dennis Wolf, Inge-Edler-Stipend of the German Society of Cardiology

(DGK), 25,000.- Euro

  • Dennis Wolf, Young Investigator Award of the Germany Society of Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF) on “Co-stimulatory signaling through lymphocyte CD40 limits adipose tissue inflammation and protects from de novo and pre-established metabolic disease in mice, 2,500.- Euro

2013-2014                                               Dr. Ingo Hilgendorf, Rudolf-Marx Stipend of the German Society of

Thrombosis and Hemostaseology (GTH), 16,000.- Euro

2013-2014                               Markus Jäckel, MOTIVATE dissertation stipend of the Else-Kröner-Fresenius

Foundation, 7,200.- Euro

  • Louisa Gerhard, DGK-Otto-Hess-Stipend of the German Society of Cardiology (DGK), 12×500.- Euro

2014                                                     Dr. Ingo Hilgendorf, Emmy-Noether-Program of the German Research

Foundation (DFG), 1.4 Mio Euro for 5 years (HI 1573/2-1)

  • Peter Stachon, Best Abstract Award, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thrombose und Hämostaseologie (GTH), Wien, 500.- Euro
  • Louisa Gerhard, DGK-Otto-Hess-Poster Award at the Annual Meeting of the

German Society of Cardiology (DGK), 1,500.- Euro

2015 Dr. Peter Stachon, Best Abstract Award, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thrombose und Hämostaseologie (GTH), Düsseldorf, 500.- Euro

2015                                                              Dr. Ingo Hilgendorf, W.H. Hauss Award of the German Society of

Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF), 2,500.- Euro

  • Dennis Wolf, Research Prize of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association, Annual ACCA Meeting Vienna, 3,000.- Euro
  • Ingo Hilgendorf, Oskar-Lapp-Stipendium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für

Kardiologie, Jahrestagung in Mannheim 2016, 20,000.- Euro

2016                                               Alexander Peikert, Edith von Kaulla research prize, Medical Faculty of the

Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, 20,000.- Euro

Academic Activities:

  1. a) Membership in Clinical and Scientific Associations

Since 2001                         Member of the German Association of Cardiology (DKG)

Since 2001                         Member of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 

Since 2002                         Member of the German Society of Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF) 

Since 2004                         Member of the American Heart Association (AHA)

Since 2011                           Member of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT)

Since 2011                         Member of the Society of Thrombosis and Hemostaseology (GTH)

Since 2013                          Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC)

Since 2013                         Member of the German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM)

Since 2014                          Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC)

Since 2016                         Member of the Southwest German Society for Internal Medicine (SwGIM)

Since 2017                          Member of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS)

Since 2017                          Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA)

  1. Reviewer for Scientific Journals

Since 2003                          ad hoc reviewer for Thrombosis Heamostasis, Heart

Since 2006                         ad hoc reviewer for ATVB, British Journal Haematology, Circulation

Since 2008                         ad hoc reviewer for Atherosclersosis, American Heart Journal

Since 2009                         ad hoc reviewer for American Journal Cardiology

Since 2010                         ad hoc reviewer for PLoS One, Circulation Research

Since 2012                        ad hoc reviewer for European Journal of Endocrinology, Hypertension

Since 2013                                ad hoc reviewer for Experimental Physiology, Cardiovascular Diabetology,

Clinical Research in Cardiology, Arthritis Research and Therapy 

Since 2014                         ad hoc reviewer für FEBS Journal, Hämostaseologie

  1. Special Academic Activities:

2007-2011 Member of the Board of Principle Investigators of the Speman Graduate School of Biology and Medicine, Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Since 2010                                   Member of the Faculty of the International Master Program in Biomedical

Sciences (IMBS), a joint Master/PhD Program of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina nad the University of Freiburg, Germany

Since 2010 Member of the Local Editorial Team of the European Editor of Circulation, Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode

Since 2010                                    Organization of the Summer School of the Department, a scientific retreat

(approx. 80-100 participants)

Since 2011                         Editorial Board Member of Case Reports in Vascular Medicine

Since 2012                          Editorial Board Member of PlosOne (IF 3.5)

Since 2012 Ad hoc reviewer for the German Science Foundation (DFG), member of the review committee of SFB688

2012-2015 Member of the Advisory Board of the German Society of Atherosclersis Research (DGAF) 
Since 2013 Member of the Steering Committee of the Pre-TRUST Study (Trial of Ularitide for the prevention of renal worsening in patients at risk for radiocontrast induced nephropathy), Sponsor Cardiorentis AG, Zug, Schweiz 
2013-2015 Congress Secretary of the Annual Meeting of the Soviety of Thrombosis and Hemasteseology (GTH) in 2015 in Düsseldorf (Congress Presidents: Profs. Bode und Scharf)
Since 2015 Designated President of the German Society of Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF)
Since 2016 Co-chairman of the working group “Heart and Diabetes” (AG23) of the German Cardiac Society (DGK)
Since 2017 Editor of the German Journal “Cardiology up2date”
Since 12/2017 Editorial Board Member of Atherosclerosis
Since 2018 President of the German Society of Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF)

Acquisition of Third Party Funding:


a) Project Funding:
2006-2008 Grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG): The role of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Factors in Atherosclerosis, DFG-ZI-743/3-1, approx. 280,000.- Euro
2007-2009 Scientific cooperation with Boehringer Ingelheim, Ridgefield, CT, USA: The role of sEH Inhibitors in Atherosclerosis, approx. 100,000.- Euro
2010-2012 Succession Grant of the DFG on the role of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-

Associated Factors in Atherosclerosis, DFG-ZI-743/3-2, approx. 140,000.- Euro

2010-2012 Grant of the Else-Kröner-Fresenius Foundation: Therapeutic targeting of the

CD40L/Mac-1 dyad as potential treatment for atherosclerosis, EKFS P30/10//A43/10, 130,000.- Euro

Since 2012 Grant of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation: Investigation of CD40L-associated genes and their functional contribution to the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome – studies in mice and men, Az., 110,000.- Euro
Since 2012


Scientific Cooperation with ResMed, Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia: Influence of high-intensity non-invasive positive pressure ventilation on systemic inflammation and predictors of cardiovascular risk in patients suffering from stable hypercapnic chronic obstructive disease (COPD)” together with PD Dr. Michael Dreher, approx. 90,000.- Euro
Since 2012 Scientific Cooperation with Astra Zeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden: The role of Syk

Inhibition in Atherosclerosis, 135,000.- Euro

Since 2014 Start up grant of the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg for a BmBf project: ACS-AF-short, 35,000.- Euro
Since 2015 Cooperation project „The Role of CD40 in Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cell on Atherogenesis” mit LMU München, Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention (IPEK, Prof. Dr. C. Weber) under the framework of the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DHZK), 10,000.- Euro
Since 2015 Currently two new research grant proposals under review with the German

Research Foundation (ZI743/5-1 und 6-1)

Since 2016 Grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG): Extracellular ATP and purinergic receptors in Atherosclerosis (ZI 743/7-1), 381,000.- Euro
Since 2016 Research grant from the GTH (Society of Thrombosis and Hemostaseology), “Expression of TRAF1 on thrombocytes and their role in Atherosclerosis“, 50.000,- Euro
Since 2017


Grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG): Tyrosinkinase Syk: A possible target for Atherosclerosis (ZI 743/8-1), 346,100.- Euro

b) Clinical Studies:

2009-2012 RUBY-1, Indication: ACS, Phase II, Role: PI Freiburg, Safety and tolerability of darexaban (YM150) following ACS, Recruitment: 22 patients, approx. 130,000.- Euro 
 2010-2014 The Stabilization of plaques using Darapladib – Thrombolysis In Myocardial

Infarction 52 Trial (SOLID-TIMI 52), Indication: ACS, Phase III, Role: PI

Freiburg, Recruitment: 16 patients, approx. 95,000.- Euro

2011-2015 SERVE-HF, Indication: Heart Failure, Phase III, Role: PI Freiburg, Treatment of sleep-disordered breathing with predominant central sleep apnoea with adaptive servo-ventilation in patients with chronic heart failure, Recruitment: 8 patients, Sponsor: ResMed, approx. 35,000.- Euro
2011-2015 SchlaHF Registry, Indication: Heart Failure, Registry, Role: PI Freiburg, Relation between heart Failure and sleep related breathing disorders Recruitment: 106 patients, Status: Follow up, Sponsor: ResMed, approx. 8,000.- Euro
2012-2017 CANTOS, Indication: Coronary Artery Disease, Phase III, Role: PI Freiburg, The Canakinumab Anti-inflammatory Thrombosis Outcomes Study,

Recruitment: 10 patients, Status: Follow up, Sponsor: Novartis, approx. 60,000.- Euro

Since 2013 GREAT Symplicity Registry, Indication: Hypertension, Registry, Role: PI Freiburg, Real World Renal Denervation, Recruitment: 68 patients, Status:

recruiting, Sponsor: Medtronic, approx. 120,000.- Euro

Since 2013 ODYSSEY, Indication: Coronary Heart Disease, Phase IIII, Role: PI Freiburg,

Evaluation of Cardiovascular Outcomes After an Acute Coronary Syndrome During Treatment With Alirocumab, Recruitment: 25 Patienten, Status: in FU, Sponsor: Sanofi Aventis, approx. 225,000.- Euro  

2014-2016 PM1116197 LATTITUDE, Indication: ACS, Phase III, Role: PI Freiburg, Losmapimod (p38 Inhibitor) vs. Placebo in patients with ACS, Recruitment: 16 patients, Sponsor: Glaxo Smith Kline, approx. 80,000.- Euro
Since 2014 RELAX Study RLX030A, Indication: Heart Failure, Phase III, Role: PI Freiburg, Serelaxin in acute Heart Failure, Status: recruiting, Sponsor: Novartis, approx. 50,000.- Euro
Since 2014 CULPRIT SHOCK, Indication: ACS with cardiogenic shock, Role: PI Freiburg, PCI culprid lesion versus multi vessel PCI in cardiogenic shock, Status: recruiting, Sponsor: BmBf-IIT Prof. Dr. Holger Thiele, approx. 30,000.- Euro
Since 2014 GREAT Symplicity Spyral Addendum, Indication: therapy-refractory hypertension, Phase IV, Role: PI Freiburg, Efficacy of the new Symplicity Spyral Systems, Status: recruiting, Sponsor: Medtronic, approx. 78,000.- Euro
Since 2015 DIGIT-HF, Indication: Heart Failure, Phase IV, Role: PI Freiburg, Digitoxin in patients NYHA III-IV, Sponsor BmBf-IIT PD Dr. Udo Bavendiek, Status:

recruiting, approx. 30,000.- Euro

Since 2015 Report-HF Registry, Heart Failure Registry Indication: Heart Failure, Role: PI

Freiburg, Sponsor: Novartis, Status: recruiting, approx. 234.000.- Euro

Since 2016 ACTIVITY Study, Study on physical activity in patients with heart failure,

Role: PI, Sponsor: Novartis, Status: recruting

Since 2016 PEREGRINE Study, CE Certification Study for new renal denervation concept with micro ethanol injection, Role: PI Freiburg, Status: recruiting, 81,550.- Euro
Since 2016 CardioMEMS Study, European Monitoring Study for Heart Failure, Role: PI Freiburg, Sponsor: St. Jude Medical, Status: recruiting
Since 2017 PARADISE-AMI Study, Role: PI, Sponsor: Novartis, Status: initiation