Karam Kostner

Karam Maximilian Kostner, MD, PhD, FECC, FRACP, Cardiologist
Associate Professor of Medicine, The University of Queensland
Director Cardiology Mater Public and Private Hospitals Brisbane
E-Mail.: k.kostner@uq.edu.au
DOB: 15.7.1966
Maritial Status:
Married to Michelle Kostner (Australian Resident), 3 children

Education and Training:
1972-1976: Volksschule Mariagrün,Graz, Austria
1976-1984: Akademisches Gymnasium, Graz, Austria

Medical Studies 1984-91
Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Austria

Post Doctoral Work:
1.8.1991-31.10.93, Research Fellow, Atherosclerosis Group, Department of Internal Medicine, Royal Brisbane Hospital, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Internship Medicine: 1.12.93-1.10.94
Department of Internal Medicine, Landeskrankenhaus Leoben, Steiermark, Austria

Specialty Training Internal Medicine: 12/1994-12/1998
General Hospital Of Vienna, AKH, Waehringerguertel 18-20, 1090 Vienna, Austria
6 months: Nephrology and Dialysis
6 months: Gastroenterology
6 months: Infectious Diseases
6 months: Emergency Medicine
6 months: Intensive Care
18 months: Cardiology
Specialist of Internal Medicine : since 12/98

Specialty Training Cardiology: 12/98 – 12/2000
Department of Cardiology, University of Vienna, AKH
Waehringerguertel 18-20, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Specialist Cardiology: since 3/2001

President of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Qld 2012-2015
Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians
Member of Queensland Health Panel of External Expert Reviewers (PEERs)
Member of the Princess Alexandra Hospitals Human Ethics Committee 2006-10
Member Austrian Atherosclerosis Society
Member European Atherosclerosis Society
Member Austrian Society of Cardiology
Member European Society of Cardiology
International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids
Member German Clinical Lipidology Society (Organizer of their Annual Meeting in 2003)
Nucleus Member: Working Group: Atherosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology of the Austrian Society of Cardiology
Merck Lipid Lowering Advisory Board Member
Sanofi-Aventis Cardiovascular Advisory Board Member
Pfizer Cardiovascular and Lipid Lowering Advisory Board Member
Alphapharm Cardiovascular Advisory Board Member
Australian Egg Research Council Advisory Board Member
Solvay Advisory Board Member
Amgen Advisory Board Member

Editorial Boards:
European Journal Clinical Investigation (Section Editor Cardiovascular)
Atherosclerosis: Associate Editor from 2018
Archives of Medical Science – Atherosclerotic Diseases (Section Editor)
Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology (Editorial Board)
Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Editorial Board)
Datasets Papers in Medicine (Editorial Board ,on-line journal)
Virtual Cardiac Centre (Editorial Board ,on-line journal)
Regular Reviewer for the following Scientific Journals: Journal of the American Society of Cardiology, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Research, Clinica Chimica Acta, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Heart, Diabetologia, Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, European Heart Journal, Clinical Endocrinology and Annals of Medicine

Professional and other appointments:
1.8.1991-31.10.93, Senior Research Fellow, Atherosclerosis Group, Department of Internal Medicine, Royal Brisbane Hospital, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

1.12.93 -1.10.94, Department of Internal Medicine, Landeskrankenhaus Leoben, Steiermark, Austria

11/94 – 1/2001, Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Vienna, University of Vienna, Austria (Since 1998 specialist in internal medicine, since 11/2000 Associate Professor of Medicine University of Vienna)

1/2001-1/2003, Senior Principal Research Fellow, Lipidsciences, Australia

Since 1/2003 Associate Professor Medicine, University of Qld, Brisbane, Australia

Since 3/07 Staff Cardiologist Mater Adults Hospital Brisbane

Since 2014 Director of Cardiology Mater Hospital Brisbane

Since 2017 Director of Cardiology Mater Public and Private Hospital
Since 2011 President of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, QLD branch

Between 1991 and 1993: Atherosclerosis Group, Department of Internal Medicine, Royal Brisbane Hospital, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia I was teaching 4th and 5th year medical students in Endocrinology, Lipid Disorders and Atherosclerosis
Between 1994 and 2000: extensive teaching of medical students at the University of Vienna in Clinical Cardiology, Physical Examination in General Internal Medicine , First Aid and Lipidology.
Between 1998 and 2000 I was teaching 2nd and 3rd year nursing students in medicine at the Rudolfinerhaus, a private hospital and nursing school in Vienna, Austria.
Since 2002 I have been teaching Pharmacists, General Practicioners and Nurses in the Management of Dyslipidaemia Program of the National Australian Prescribing Service and GPs in various aspects of Cardiology and Lipid Lowering Therapies
Since 2003: Clinical Coaching 3rd and 4th year medical students at PA, Redlands Hospital, Mater Hospital and QEII Hospital, also 1st and 2nd years at PA, on call tutorial cardiology for 4th year medical students 4times yearly
FRACP lecture series for FRACP candidates 2005 and 2010: RF for CHD and stroke

Current research areas:
Physiological Role of Lipoprotein (a)
HDL and Reverse Cholesterol Transport
Lipid-lowering Agents and Extracorporeal Treatment of Atherosclerosis
Non invasive imaging of atherosclerosis

Co-Investigator of the following International Multi-Center Trials:

Principal-Investigator of the following International Multi-Center Trials:
Vienna HEART (Hyperlipidemia Epidemiology Atherosclerosis Risk Factor Trial) Study, ILLUMINATE (Pfizer), GEMINI (Pfizer), Pfizer A5091026 (Pfizer), Merck MK-0524A (MSD), I-SEARCH (BMS), Merck ) 041 IMT, MK 6213, MK 6-025, AVE5530,

Organisation of Scientific Meetings:
Organizer of the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Atherosclerosis Society, July 7-10th 2002, Salzburg, Austria
Organizer of the Annual Meeting of the German Clinical Lipidology Society, November 2003 in Maikammer
Organizing Committee member of the World Congress of Clinical Nutrition in Brisbane 2004
Local Organizer for Australian Atherosclerosis Society Meeting, Gold Coast 2006
Organizer and Founder of yearly Update in Clinical Lipidology Meeting, Brisbane
Chair Organizing Committee MSD Advanced trainee weekend 2006, Gold Coast and 2007 Sydney and 2008,
Organizing Committee of Controversies in Cardiology 2007 and 2008
Organizing Committee and Course Director of Cardiology in Paradise 2007,2008 and 2009
Pfizer CV Forum Steering committee member 2008 and 2009
Organizing Committee for Heart Foundation Conference Brisbane 2009
Scientific Chair for World Congress for Fixed Dose Combination Therapy in Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension and Diabetes Nov 2010, Brisbane
Scientific Chair of the CSANZ meeting 2012 Brisbane
Scientific Committee for International Conference of Clinical CV Genetics, Brisbane, 2015 and 2017
Chair and Convenor of inaugural World Congress of Clinical Lipidology , Budapest , December 6-8, 2012
Chair and Convenor of the 2nd World Congress of Clinical Lipidology, Vienna, December 5-7, 2014
Amgen 1 , Organizing Committee
Chair and Convenor of the 3rd World Congress of Clinical Lipidology, Brisbane, February 10-12, 2017

Awards and Honors:
World Scientist Forum Eminent Scientist of the year 2006 (category: pathophysiology)
Mater Star Award 2009, 2010, 2012

Scientific Funding to date:
Approx. 1 250 000.- AUD

Languages: English, French, German fluently, Italian: good
Head of Karl Franzens University Medical Student Association 1988-1991
Astra Zeneca Training Course and Education for Cardiovascular Clinicians 2002-2004
NHMRC and Heart Foundation Grant Reviewer Australia
Health Research Council of New Zealand Reviewer

Interviewed and recorded on ACCEL in 1998 (American College of Cardiology Extended Learning)
2006-2010: Member of Princess Alexandra Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee
2006-2009: Postgraduate Coordinator UQ Southern Clinical Division
Implementation Working Group Member for the Type 2 Diabetes Guideline Review Project Australia
Advocate of the Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre


Original Articles :

Urinary Excretion of Apo(a) Fragments: Role in Apo(a) Catabolism. K.Kostner, G.Maurer, K.Huber, T.Stefenelli, H.Dieplinger, E.Steyrer, G.Kostner: Atherosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 16(8): 905-911 (1996)

LDL-apheresis significantly reduces urinary apo(a) excretion. Kostner K, Jansen M, Maurer G and Derfler K. Eur J Clin Invest 1997; 27: 93-95

Urinary Apo(a) discriminates coronary artery disease patients from controls. K.Kostner, K.Huber, T.Stefenelli, H.Rinner, G.Maurer. Atherosclerosis 129: 103-110 (1997)

Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase activity in normocholesterolaemic and hypercholesterolaemic roosters: modulation by lipid apheresis. K.Kostner, J.Smith, A. Dwivedy, T.Shafey, N.Fang, M.Mahon, C.Ianuzzi, D.Colquhoun, B.Cham. European Journal of Clinical Investigation (1997) 27: 212-218.

Urinary excretion of apo(a) in patients after kidney transplantation. K.Kostner, R.Oberbauer, U.Hoffmann, T.Stefenelli, G.Maurer, B.Watschinger. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (1997) 12: 2673-2678

Is oxidative stress causally linked to unstable angina pectoris? A study in 100 CAD patients and matched controls. K.Kostner, S.Hornykewyz, P.Yang, T.Neunteufel, D.Glogar, F.Weidinger, G.Maurer, K.Huber. Cardiovascular Research 36 (1997) 330-336

Decreased urinary apo(a) excretion in patients with impaired renal function. K.Kostner, M.Clodi, G.Bodlaj, B.Watschinger, W.Hörl, K.Derfler, K.Huber. European Journal of Clinical Investigation (1998) 28: 447-452

Urinary apo(a) excretion in patients with proteinuria. K.Kostner, S.Banyai, M.Banyai, G.Maurer, W. Hörl, R. Oberbauer. Annals of Medicine (1998) 30:497-502

Genetic determinants of Coronary Heart Disease: Urinary apo(a) is a better predictor of CAD than plasma Lp(a). K.Kostner. American College of Cardiology Extended Learning (1997) 29/7: side three

Urinary excretion of apo(a) fragments in NIDDM patients.M.Clodi, R.Oberbauer, W.Waldhäusel, G.Maurer, G.Kostner, K.Kostner. Diabetologia (1997) 40: 1455-1460

Plasma Lp(a) levels are increased in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. M. Ignatescu, K.Kostner, G.Zorn, G.Maurer, K.Huber, I.Lang. Thrombosis Hemostasis (1998) 80:231-2

Urinary excretion of apo(a) fragments in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients. M.Clodi, G.Bodlaj, G.Maurer, R.Oberbauer, K.Kostner. Metabolism 1999, 48(3): 369-72

Erhöhter oxidativer Stress bei Patienten mit instabiler Angina Pectoris.G.Bodlaj, J.Hofmann, A.Gharehgozloo, G.Maurer, K.Huber,K.Kostner. Journal für Kardiologie (1998)6: 279-285

Effect of Dietary Alpha-Tocopherol and Corn Oil on the Performance and on Lipoproteins, Lipids, Cholesterol and Alpha-Tocopherol Concentrations of the Plasma and Eggs of Laying Hens.
T.M. Shafey, J.G. Dingle, K.Kostner. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 16(1999): 185-194.

Low density lipoprotein Immunapheresis does not increase plasma lipid peroxidation products in vivo. K.Kostner, S.Banyai, M.Jansen, G.Khoschsorur, W.Hörl, G.Maurer, B. Winklhofer-Roob, K.Derfler. Clin Chim Acta.1999 Oct; 288:21-30

Urinary apo(a) excretion is not altered by changes in glomerular filtration rate in healthy males. K.Kostner, M.Clodi, G. Maurer, W.Hörl.Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2000, 112(3): 121-25

Effects of Vitamin E on Chronic and Acute Endothelial Dysfunction in Smokers.T.Neunteufel, U.Priglinger, S.Heher, M.Zehetgruber,G.Söregi, K.Huber, G.Maurer, F.Weidinger, K.Kostner.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000 Feb, 35(2): 277-83

Urinary excretion of apo(a) fragments is correlated to apoD excretion: K.Kostner, S.Spitzauer, H.Rumpold, G.Maurer, G.Knipping, G.Kostner. Clin Chim Acta 2001; 304:29-37

U. Hoffmann, G.Bodlaj, K.Derfler, C. Bernhard, L. Wicke, C.J. Herold, K. Kostner. Quantification of Coronary
Artery Calcification in Patients with FH using EBCT. Eur J Clin Invest 2001; 31(6): 471-475

Lipoprotein (a) in Patients with Aortic Aneurysmal Disease. Schillinger M, Domanovits H, Ignatescu M, Exner M, Bayegan K, Sedivy R, Polterauer P, Laggner A, Minar E, Kostner K. J Vasc Surg. 2002 Jul;36(1):25-30.

Intravenous anti TNF-alpha antibody therapy leads to elevated triglyceride and reduced HDL-C levels in patients with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. Cauza Edmund, Cauza Karla, Hanusch-Enserer Ursula, Haberauer Gunther,Wagner Ernst, Mehrdad Ethemad, Dunky Attila, Kostner Karam. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2002 Dec 30;114(23-24):1004-7

Relationship of LDL-unbound apo(a), urinary apo(a) fragments and plasma Lp(a) in patients with impaired renal function.Cauza E., J.Kletzmaier,S.Quast, G.Bodlaj, J.Hofmann, G.Maier, W.Herrmann and K.Kostner. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: 1-5.

Effect of type of grain and oil supplement on the performance, blood lipoproteins, egg cholesterol and fatty acids of laying hens, by T.M. Shafey, J.G. Dingle, M.W. McDonald and K. Kostner” International Journal of Poultry Science 2003; 2 (3): 200-206.

Effects of Combined Low-Density Lipoprotein Apheresis and Aggressive Statin Therapy on Coronary Calcified Plaque as Measured by Computed Tomography. U. Hoffmann, K. Derfler, M. Haas, A. Stadler, T.J. Brady, K. Kostner. American Journal of Cardiology. 2003; Feb. 15, Vol 91: 461-4.

Effects of LDL-immunoapheresis on plasma concentrations of vitamin E and carotenoids in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. Edmund Cauza, Martin Jansen , Ulrike Resch, Attila Dunky , Kurt Derfler , Brigitte M. Winklhofer-Roob, Karam Kostner. Journal of Clinical Apheresis 2004; 19: 174-179.

Effects of Simvastatin on Blood Lipids, Vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10 levels and Left Ventricular Function in Humans. DM Colquhoun, R Jackson, M Walters, BJ Hicks, J Goldsmith, P Young, C Strakosch and KM Kostner. Eur J Clin Invest. 2005 (4): 251-8.

Short-term infliximab therapy improves symptoms of psoriatic arthritis and decreases concentrations of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein. Cauza E, Frischmuth K, Fabian B, Dunky A, Kostner K. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2006; 31: 149-52.

Inhibitors for the in Vitro Assembly of Lp(a), Frank S, Durovic S, Kostner K and Kostner G ,Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. (1995) Vol 15/10: 1774-1780

Lipid Apheresis: An in Vivo Application of Plasma Delipidation With Organic Solvents Resulting in Acute Transient Reduction of Circulating Plasma Lipids in Animals BE Cham, K Kostner, AK Dwivedy, D Colquhoun, T Shafey, MG Mahon,NX Fang, C Iannuzzi and Smith J: Journal of Clinical Apheresis 10: 61-69 (1995)

Lipid Apheresis in an Animal Model Causes In Vivo Changes in Lipoprotein Electrophoretic Patterns; Bill E Cham, Karam M Kostner, Ash K Dwivedy, Tarek M Shafey, Ning Xia Fang, Michelle G. Mahon, Cecilia Iannuzzi, David M Colquhoun and Jeffrey L Smith: Journal of Clinical Apheresis 11:61-70 (1996)

Metabolism of Lp(a): assembly and excretion. Kostner G, Frank S, Kostner K, Zimmermann R, Steyrer E. Clinical Genetics 1997, 52: 347-354

Additional Benefit of Vitamin E Supplementation to Simvastatin Therapy on Vasoreactivity of the Brachial Artery of Hypercholesterolemic Men. T.Neunteufl, K.Kostner, R.Katzenschlager, M.Zehetgruber, G.Maurer, F.Weidinger. Journal of the American Society of Cardiology (1998) 32: 711-16

Impairment of endothelium independent vasodilation in patients with hypercalcemia. T.Neunteufel, R.Katzenschlager, C.Abela, K.Kostner, B.Niederle, F.Weidinger, T.Stefenelli.
Cardiovasc Res. 1998;40(2):396-401

Shafey, T.M., Dingle, J.G., and Kostner, K. (1999). Effect of dietary α-tocopherol and corn oil on the performance and on the lipoproteins, lipids, cholesterol and α-tocopherol concentrations of the plasma and eggs of laying hens. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 16: 185-194.

Influence of tranexamic acid and delta amino valeric acid on Lp(a) metabolism in transgenic mice. Frank S, Hrzenjak A, Kostner K, Sattler W, Kostner G. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1999;1438(1):99-110

Late prognostic value of flow-mediated dilation in the brachial artery of patients with chest pain. Neunteufl T, Heher S, Katzenschlager R, Wolfl G, Kostner K, Maurer G, Weidinger F. Am J Cardiol.2000;86(2): 207-10

U. Hoffmann, S. Globits, T. Stefenelli ,C. Loewe, K.Kostner, H. Frank. The effects of ACE- inhibitor therapy on left ventricular myocardial mass and diastolic filling in previously untreated hypertensive patients – a cine MRI study. J Magn Reson Imag 2001 Jul; 14(1):16-22.

Contribution of Nicotine to Acute Endothelial Dysfunction in Long-term Smokers. Neunteufl T, Heher S, Kostner K et al. Journal of the American Society of Cardiology 2002; 39: 251-6

U.Hoffmann, A.Dirisamer, S.Heher, K.Kostner, K.Widhalm, T. Neunteufel. Relation of peripheral flow-mediated vasodilation and coronary arterial calcium in young patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Am J Cardiol. 2002 Jul 1;90(1):70-3.

Antti Kuoppala, Naotaka Shiota, Jorma O. Kokkonen, Karam Kostner, Mikko Mayranpaa, Petri T. Kovanen and Ken A. Lindstedt. Down-regulation of cardioprotective bradykinin type 2 receptors in the left ventricle of patients with end-stage heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 Jul 3;40(1): 119-25.

HFE genotyping demonstrates a significant incidence of hemochromatosis in undifferentiated arthritis. Cauza E, Hanusch-Enserer U, Etemad M, Koller M, Kostner K, Georg P, Dunky A, Ferenci P. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2005 Jan-Feb;23(1):7-12.

Increased C282Y Heterozygosity in Gestational Diabetes. Cauza Edmund, Hanusch-Enserer Ursula, Bischof Martin, Spak Marita, Kostner Karam, Tammaa Ayman, Dunky Attila, Ferenci Peter. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 2005; 20:349-54.

The Relative Benefits of Endurance and Strength Training on the Metabolic Factors and Muscle Function in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Edmund Cauza , Ursula Hanusch-Enserer , Barbara Strasser , Bernhard Ludvik ³, Sylvia Metz-Schimmerl , Giovanni Pacini , Oswald Wagner , Petra Georg , Rudolf Prager , Karam Kostner, Attila Dunky, Paul Haber . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2005; 86: 1527-33.

Increased expression of bradykinin type-1 receptors in endothelium of intramyocardial coronary vessels in human failing hearts. Liesmaa I, Kuoppala A, Shiota N, Kokkonen J, Kostner K et al. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005; 288: 2317-22.

Plasma delipidation process induces rapid regression of atherosclerosis and mobilisation of adipose tissue. Cham BE, Kostner KM, Shafey TM, Smith JL, Colquhoun DM. J Clin Apher. 2005 Oct;20(3):143-53.

Wine Ingestion has no effects on lipid peroxidation products. Ziegler S, Kostner K, Thallinger C, Bur A, Brunner M, Wolzt M, Joukhadar C. Pharmacology 2005 75: 152-56.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetic Long Distance Runners. Cauza Edmund¹, Hanusch-Enserer Ursula, Strasser Barbara, Ludvik Bernhard, Kostner Karam, Dunky Attila, Haber Paul. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2005 Nov;26(9): 774-80.

Comparison of the effects of a high-fat diet enriched with peanuts and a low-fat (NCEP) diet on blood lipid profiles. Colquhoun D, Hicks B, Somerset S, Richards D, Hamill C, Westhuyzen J, Saltissi D, Kostner M, Kostner K. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2005;14 Suppl:S116.

Strenght and endurance training lead to different post exercise glucose profiles in diabetic participants using a continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring system. Cauza E, Hanusch Enserer U, Strasser B, Kostner K, Dunky A, Haber P. Eur J Clin Invest 2005 dec;35(12):745-51.

The ability of statins to protect low density lipoprotein from oxidation in hypercholesterolemic patients. Thallinger C, Urbauer E, Lacjner E, Graselli U, Kostner K. Int J Clin Pharm and Thera 2005; 43: 551-7

The metabolic effects of long term exercise in Type 2 Diabetes patients. Cauza E, Hanusch-Enserer U, Strasser B, Kostner K, Dunky A, Haber P. Wien med Wochenschr. 2006; 156(17-18):515-9.

Natoli S, Markovic T, Lim D, Noakes M, Kostner K. Unscrambling the research: eggs serum cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease. Nutrition and Dietetics 2007; 64:105-11.

Single-pill amlodipine/atorvastatin helps patients of divere ethnicity attain recommended goals for blood pressure and lipids (the Gemini-AAALA study). S Erdine, YM ro, HF Tse, LG Howes on behalf of the Gemini-AALA investigators. Journal of Human Hypertension (2008) , 1-15.

Tate JR, Ferguson W, Bais R, Kostner K, Marwick T, Carter A. The determination of the 99th centile level for troponin assays in an Australian reference population. Ann Clin Biochem. 2008 May;45(Pt 3):275-88.

Sharman JE, Moir S, Kostner K, Haluska B, Marwick TH. Patients with coronary slow flow phenomenon demonstrate normal myocardial blood flow and arterial wave reflection between acute episodes. Int J Cardiol. 2008 Jun 24. [Epub ahead of print]

Erdine et al. Single-pill amlodipine/atorvastatin helps patients of diverse ethnicity attain recommended goals for blood pressure and lipids (the Gemini-AALA study). J Hum Hypertens. 2009 Mar;23(3):196-210.

Sharman JE, Brown J, Holland DJ, Macdonald G, Kostner K, Marwick TH. Influence of altered blood rheology on ventricular-vascular response to exercise. Hypertension 2009; 54(5):1092-98.

Cauza E, Strehblow C, Metz-Schimmerl S, Strasser B, Hanusch Enserer U, Kostner K. Effects of progressive strength training on muscle mass in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients determined by computed tomography. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 2009; 159(5-6): 141-47.

Salm P, Taylor PJ, Kostner K. Simultaneous quantification of total EPA, DHA and AA in plasma by high-performance liqid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr.2010 Aug 25.

Design of the DEFINE trial: determining the EFficacy and tolerability of CETP INhibition with AnacEtrapib. Am Heart J.Cannon CP, Dansky HM, Davidson M, Gotto AM et al. Am heart J 2009 Oct; 158(4):513-519.e3

Continuation of Statin Therapy in Patients with Presumed Infection: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Kruger PS, Harward ML, Jones MA, Joyce CJ, Kostner K, Roberts MS, Venkatesh B.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2010 Oct 19

Safety of AnacEtrapib in patients with or at high risk for coronary heart disease. Cannon CP, Shah S, Dansky HM et al. N Engl J Med. 2010 Dec 16;363(25):2406-15.

Development and pilot test of a Peer-support based Cardiac-Diabetes Self-Management Program using randomised controlled trial: A study protocol. Wu J, Courtney M, Shortridge-Baggett L, Kostner K. BMC Health Services Research 2011, 11:74

Acute Elevation of Triglycerides Increases Left Ventricular Contractility and Alters Ventricular-Vascular Interaction. Holland D, Erne D, Kostner K, Leano R, Haluska B, Marwick T, Sharman J. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2011 jul 301(1): H123-8.

Farnesoid X receptor represses hepatic apolipoprotein (a) gene expression: studies in humans and transgenic mice. Chennamsetty I, Claudel T, Kostner K, et al. J Clin Invest. 2011 Aug 1. 45277

One step homogeneous CRP assay for saliva. Punyadeera C, Dimeski G, Kostner K, Beyerlein P, Cooper-White J. J Immunol Methods. 2011 Oct 28;373(1-2):19-25.

Wu, C-J (Jo), Chang, AM., Courtney, M, Shortridge-Baggett, LM., Kostner, K. (2011) ‘Development and pilot testing of a peer-support based Cardiac-Diabetes Self-Management Program using randomised controlled trial: A study protocol’, BMC Health Services Research, Vol. 11, No. 74, pp. 1 – 7.

Expression of fat mobilizing genes in human epicardial adipose tissue. I Jaffer, M. Riederer, P.Shah, P.Peters, F. Quehenberger, A.Wood, H.Scharnagel, W. Maerz, K.M.Kostner, G.M.Kostner. Atherosclerosis. 2012 Jan;220(1):122-7.

FGF19 Signaling Cascade Supresses APOA Gene Expression. Chennamsetty I, Claudel T, Kostner KM, Trauner M, Kostner GM. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 May;32(5):1220-7.

Wu C-J, Chang AM, Courtney M, & Kostner K. Peer supporters for cardiac patients with diabetes. Int Nurs Rev. 2012 Sep;59(3):345-52.

NT-ProBNP levels in saliva and its clinical relevance to heart failure. Foo JY, Wan Y, Kostner K, Arivalagan A, Atherton J, Cooper-White J, Dimeski G, Punyadeera C. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e48452.

Nicotinic acid inhibits hepatic APOA gene expression: Studies in humans and in transgenic mice. Chennamsetty I, Kostner K, Claudel T, Trauner M, Kostner GM. J Lipid Res. 2012 Nov;53(11):2405-12.

Acute elevation of lipids does not alter exercise hemodynamics in healthy men: a randomized controlled study. Sharman J, Holland DJ, Leano R,Kostner K. Atherosclerosis. 2013 Jan;226(1):234-7.

A multicentre randomized trial of atorvastatin therapy in intensive care patients with severe sepsis. Kruger P, Bailey M, Bellomo R, Cooper DJ, Harward M, Higgins A, Howe B, Jones D, Joyce C, Kostner K, McNeil J, Nichol A, Roberts MS, Syres G, Venkatesh B; ANZ-STATInS Investigators–ANZICS Clinical Trials Group.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013 Apr 1;187(7):743-50.

Circulating fragments of N-T Pro BNP in plasma of heart failure patients. Foo JY, Wan Y, Schulz BL, Kostner K, Atherton J, Cooper-White J, Dimeski G, Punyadeera C.
Clin Chem. 2013 Oct;59(10):1523-31. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2012.200204. Epub 2013 Jul 2.

Protocol for a randomised blocked design study using telephone and text-messaging to support cardiac patients with diabetes: A cross cultural international collaborative project. Chiung-Jung (Jo) Wu, Huei-Chuan (Christina) Sung, Anne M Chang, John Atherton, Karam Kostner, Mary Courtney and Steven M McPhail. BMC Health Serv Res. 2013 Oct 9;13:402. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-402.

Adverse Lipid Profile is not Associated with Relapse Risk in MS: Results from an Observational Cohort Study. Tettey P, Simpson S, Taylor B, Blizzard B, Kostner K, Van de Mei I. JJ Neurol Sci. 2014 May 15;340(1-2):230-2.

An adverse lipid profile is associated with disabilitry and progression in disability in people with MS. Tettey P, Simpson S Jr, Taylor B, Blizzard L, Ponsonby AL, Dwyer T, Kostner K, van der Mei I. Mult Scler. 2014 Nov;20(13):1737-44.

A Multimarker Approach to Diagnose and Stratify Heart Failure. Wan Y, Xhang X, Atherton JJ, Kostner K, Dimeski G, Punyadeera C. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Feb 15;181:369-75.

The effects of Tai Chi in Centrally Obese Adults with Depressive Symtoms. X Liu, L Vitetta, K.Kostner, D.Cromton et al. Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015;2015:879712.

Dahiya, R., Shultz, S. P., Dahiya, A., Fu, J., Flatley, C., Duncan, D., Cardinal, J., Kostner, K. M., Byrne, N. M., Hills, A., Harris, M., Conwell, L. S., Leong, G. M. Relation of Reduced Preclinical Left Ventricular Diastolic Function and Cardiac Remodeling in Overweight Youth to Insulin Resistance and Inflammation. American Journal of Cardiology 2015; 115:1222-1228.

Tibolone decreases Lipoprotein (a) levels in postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 12 studies with 1009 patients. Kotani K, Sahebkar A, Serban C, Andrica F, Toth PP, Jones SR, Kostner K et al. Atherosclerosis. 2015 Sep;242(1):87-96. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2015.06.056. Epub 2015 Jul 2.

Effects of anacetrapib on plasma lipids in specific patient subgroups in the DEFINE trial.
Brinton EA, Kher U, Shah S, Cannon CP, Davidson M, Gotto AM, Ashraf TB, McCrary Sisk C, Dansky H, Mitchel Y, Barter P; DEFINE Investigators.
J Clin Lipidol. 2015 Jan-Feb;9(1):65-71.

Comparision of PCSK9 Infibitor Evolocumab vs Ezetimibe in Statin-Intolerant Patients: Design of the Goal Achievement After Utilizing an Anti-PCSK9 Antibody in Statin-Intolerant Subjects 3 (GAUSS-3) Trial. Nissen SE, Dent-Acosta RE, Rosenson RS, Stroes E, Sattar N, Preiss D, Mancini GB, Ballantyne CM, Catapano A, Gouni-Berthold I, Stein EA, Xue A, Wasserman SM, Scot R, Thompson PD, GAUSS-3 Investigators. Clin Cardiol. 2016 Mar; 39(3): 137-44.

Efficacy and Tolerability of Evolocumab vs Ezetimibe in Patients with Muscle-Related Statin Intolerance: The GAUSS-3 Randomized Clinical Trial. Nissen SE, Stroes E, Dent-Acosta RE, Rosenson RS, Lehman SJ, Sattar N, Preiss D, Bruckert E, Ceska R, Lepor N, Ballantyne CM, Gouni-Berthold I, Elliott M, Brennan DM, Wasserman SM, Somaratne R, Scot R, Stein EA, GAUSS-3 Investigators. JAMA 2016 Apr 19;315(15):1580-90

Aliskiren, Enalapril, or Aliskiren and Enalapril in Heart Failure. McMurray JJ, Krum H, Abraham WT, Dickstein K, KoberLV, Desai AS, Solomon SD, Greenlaw N, Ali MA, Chiang Y, Shao Q, Tarnesby G, Massie BM; ATMOSPHERE Committees Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2016 apr 21;374(16):1521-32

Efficacy and Safety of Alirocumab 150mg Every 4 Weeks in Patients with Hypercholesterolemia not on Statin Therapy: The ODYSSEY CHOICE II Study. Stroes E, Guyton JR, Lepor N. Civeira F, Gaudet D, Watts GF, Baccara-Dinet MT, Lecorps G, Manvelian G, Farnier M; ODYSSEY CHOICE II Investigators. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Sep 13;5(9). Pii: e003421.

An Evidence-Based Scale for the Antecedents of Depressive Symptoms in Australian Adults. Xin Liu, Luis Furuya-Kanamori, Dan Siskind, David Crompton, Gail M. Williams, Karam Kostner, Luis Vitetta, Doi SA. Australas Psychiatry. 2016 Mar;Oct;24(5):466-9.

Live Donor Study – Implications of Kidney Donation on Cardiovascular Risk with a Focus on Lipid Parameters Including Lipoprotein a. Doucet B, Kostner K, Kaiser O, Hawley C, Isbel N. Nephrology (Carlton). 2016 Oct;21(10):901-4

Intensive LDL Reduction Post Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Catalyst for Improved Outcomes. Kostner K, Nicholls S, Amerena J, Brown A, Cooper M, Hammett C, O’Brien R, Kritharides L, Hare DL, Watts GF, Aylward P. Heart Lung Circ. 2016 Nov;25(11):1051-1054

A Pilot Study to Demonstrate Diagnostic Potential of Galectin-3 levels in Saliva. Zhang X, Wan Y, Chata R, Brazzale A, Atherton JJ, Kostner K, Dimeski G, Punyadeera C. J Clin Pathol. 2016 Dec;69(12):1100-1104

Title: Effectiveness of the Cardiac-Diabetes Transcare Program: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Chiung-Jung (Jo) Wu, John J Atherton; Richard MacIsaac; Mary Courtney; Anne M Chang, PhD; David R Thompson, PhD; Karam Kostner,Andrew MacIsaac, Michael d’Emden, Nick Graves S BMC Health Services Research

Lipoprotein (a) Levels in Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Kotani K, Sahebkar A, Serban MC, Ursoniu S, Mikhailidis DP, Mariscalco G, Jones SR, Martin S, Blaha MJ, Toth PP, Rizzo M, Kostner K, Rysz J, Banach M; Lipid and Blood Pressure Meta-analysis Collaboration (LBPMC) Group. Angiology. 2017 Feb;68(2):99-108.

Evolocumab and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cardiovasuclar Disease. Sabatine MS, Giugliano RP, Keech AC, Honarpour N, Wiviott SD, Murphy SA, Kuder JF, Wang H, Liu T, Wasserman SM, Sever PS, Pedersen TR, FOURIER Steering Committee and Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2017 May 4;376(18):1713-1722

The Effects of Tamoxifen on Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Concentrations: Systmeatic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sahebkar A, Serban MC< Penson P, Gurban C, Ursoniu S, Toth PP, Jones SR< Lippi G, Kotani K, Kostner K, Rizzo M, Rysz J, Banach M; Lipid and Blood Pressure Meta-analysis Collaboration (LBPMC) Group. Drugs. 2017 Jul;77(11):1187-1197

Canagliflozin and Cardiovascular and Renal Events in Type 2 Diabetes. Neal B, Perkovic V, Mahaffey KW, de Zeeuw D, Fulcher G, Erondu N, Shaw W, Law G, Desai M, Matthews DR, CANVAS Program Collaborative Group. N Engl J Med. 2017 Aug 17;377(7):644-657.

Design of the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Australasia Network Registry: creating opportunities for greater international collaboration. Matthew I Bellgard1*, Caroline E Walker2, Kathryn R Napier1, Leanne Lamont2, Adam A Hunter1, Lee Render1, Maciej Radochonski1, Jing Pang3, Annette Pedrotti4, David R Sullivan5, Karam Kostner6, Warrick Bishop7, Peter M George8, Richard C O’Brien9, Peter M Clifton10, Frank M Van Bockxmeer11,12, Stephen J Nicholls13, Ian Hamilton-Craig14, Hugh JS Dawkins1,2,15,16, Gerald F Watts3,17. J Atheroscler Thromb.2017 oct 1;24(10)1075-84.

“An adverse lipid profile and increased levels of adiposity significantly predict clinical course after a first demyelinating event. Tettey P, Simpson S, Taylor B, Ponsonby AL, Lucas RM, Dwyer T, Kostner K; Auslong investigators group. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2017 May;88(5):395-401.

Tele-cardiac-diabetes self-management program for Australians and Taiwanese: A randomized blocked design study. Wu CJ, Sung HC, Chang AM, Atherton J, Kostner K, MCPhail SM. Journal: Nurs Health Sci. 2017 sept;19(3): 307-315.

Identification and Validation of a salivary protein panel to detect heart failure early. Zhanf X, Walsh T, Atherton JJ, Kostner K, Schulz B, Punyadeera C. Theranostics.2017 Sep 26;7(18): 4350-4358.

Negative predictive value of dobutamine stress echocardiography for perioperative risk stratification in patients with cardiac risk factors and reduced exercise capacity undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Go G, Davies KT, O’Callaghan C, Senior W, Kostner K, Fagermo N, Prasad SB. Intern Med J.2017 Dec;47(12):1376-1384.

Review-Articles and Editorials:

Cholesterinsenkung 1998: Cholesterinsynthesehemmer im Vergleich. K.Kostner, G.Kostner. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift (1998) 110/18: 625-630

Neuere Risikofaktoren des Herzinfarktes.K.Kostner. Der Mediziner (1998) 6: 20-28

Cardiology Update 98: Mayo and Vienna. K.Kostner. Der Mediziner (1998) 5: 44-46

Lipidsenkertherapie mit Statinen. K.Kostner.Österreichische Apothekerzeitung (1998) 19:904-908

Variationen im Kampf gegen LDL-Cholesterin. K.Kostner. Österreichische Ärztezeitung (1998) 6: 40-44

Radikaltherapie der refraktären Hyperlipidämie: extrakorporale Cholesterinelimination. K.Kostner. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift (1994) 12: 333-335

Aggressive Therapie und Kombinationstherapie von Hypercholesterinämien. K.Kostner.Wien Med Wochenschr.1999; 149(5-6):146-8

The Plasmin Activation System in Restenosis: Role in Pathogenesis and Clinical Prediction. G.Christ, K.Kostner, M.Zehetgruber, B.Binder, D. Gulba, K.Huber.J Thromb Thrombolysis. 1999;7(3): 277-85

Pflanzen als Therapie fuer Herzerkrankungen. K.Kostner. Stapfia 75, 2001, 31-38.

Kostner KM, Kostner GM. The Physiological Role of Lipoprotein (a). Drug News and Perspectives 2002, Vol.15, No2, 69-77.

Kostner KM, Kostner GM. Lipoprotein (a): Still an enigma? Curr Opin Lipidol. 2002 Aug;13(4): 391-6.

Beyond LDL-Cholesterol: New Treatments Raising HDL-Cholesterol or Enhancing Reverse Cholesterol Transport. K.Kostner. Journal fuer Kardiologie 2002; 9 (7-8): 328-31.

Statintherapy 2002. K.Kostner. Journal fuer Kardiologie 2002; 9 (7-8): 283

Prophylaxe und Therapie der KHK: Stellenwert der CSE-Hemmer. Karam Kostner. Pharmazie unserer Zeit. 2003 (32)6: 2-9

Factors Affecting Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Levels: Role of Hormones and Other Nongenetic Factors. Kostner KM, Kostner GM. Semin Vasc Med. 2004 May;4(2):211-4.

Activation of the Complement System: A crucial link between inflammation and atherosclerosis? Kostner KM. European Journal Clinical Investigation. 2004; 34: 800-2.

Statins in Critical Illness. P.Kruger, K. Kostner, Bala Venkatesh . Critical Care Medicine Yearbook 2004

HDL therapy: the next big step in the treatment of atherosclerosis? Karam M Kostner, Edmund Cauza. Future Cardiology 2005; 1(6) 767-73.

Lipoprotein(a): Pathophysiology, Metabolism, Treatment Options. Karam M. Kostner. Recent Advances and Research Updates. January 2005, Vol. 7(1): 294-303.

K.Kostner. Treatment of elevated Lp(a). Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology Atherosclerosis (Springer) 2005;Vol 170: 519-36.

Does lipoprotein (a) predict risk in type 2 diabetes? KM Kostner. European Journal Clinical Investigation 2006; 36; 67-68.

What clinicians should know about Lp(a): When do we need to measure it? What options do we have to lower it? K.Kostner. Virtual Medical Centre- Pulse news-Quarterly Publication. April 2006.

Effect size estimates of lifestyle and dietary changes on all cause mortality in coronary artery disease patients: a systematic review. Colquhoun D, Kostner K, Ferreira-Jardim A. Circulation 2006; 114(2): e40.

KM Kostner, GM Kostner. Fibrate bei Lipidstoffwechselstoerungen. Pharazie Unserer Zeit. 2007; 36: 2-7.

Statins and monitoring of liver function tets. Kostner K, Howes LG; liver Task force. Drug Saf. 2007;30(1): 1-4.
Hoenig MR, Kostner KM, Read SJ, Walker PJ, AthertonJJ. Implications of the obesity epidemic for statin therapy. Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders-Drug Targets. 2007; 7(3): 153-66.

Natoli S, Markovic T, Lim D, Noakes M, Kostner K. Unscrambling the research: eggs serum cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease. Nutrition and Dietetics 2007; 64:105-11.
The withdrawl of torcetrapib from drug development: implications for the future of drugs that alter HDL metabolism. Howes LG, Kostner K. Expert Opin Invest drugs.2007 Oct; 16(10): 1509-16.
Kostner K, Howes LG; liver Task force. Statins and monitoring of liver function tests Drug Saf. 2007;30(1): 1-4.
Kostner K. Understanding cholesterol Synthesis and Absorption is the key to achieving cholesterol targets. Asia Pacific CV Dis. In press
Kostner K, Gupta S. Niacin: A Lipid Poly Pill? Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2008; 9(16): 2911-20.
Natoli S, Markovic T, Lim D, Kostner K, Noakes M. New analysis shows eggs are a significant source of omega- 3. Nutrition and Dietetics 2008; 65(4): 300-301.
Hamilton-Craig I, Kostner K, Colquhoun D, Woodhouse S. AT SEA WITH SEAS: The first clinical end-point trial with ezetimibe, treatment of patients with mild to moderate aortic stenosis, ends with mixed results and more controversy.
Heart, Lung and Circulation 2009; 18(5): 343-46.
Jayasinghe R, Kostner K. Lp(a) and coronary disease: Rules of engagement – When to measure and how to treat? South African Medical Journal 2009; 159(5-6): 502-504.
“Combination therapy of a statin and ezetimibe for the treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia” Hamilton-Craig I, Kostner K, Colquhoun D, Woodhouse S. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2010Nov 10;6:1023-37.
Statin therapy for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: too good to be true? Kostner K. E J Clin Invest. 2010 Nov; 40 (11):965-7.
The diagnostic potential of saliva: current state and future applications. Pfaffe T, Cooper-White J, Beyerlein P, Kostner K and Punyadeera C. Clinical Chemistry: 57:5, 675-87 (2011).
Familial hypercholesterolaemia: A model of care for Australasia. Watts GF, Sullivan DR, Poplawski N, van Bockxmeer F, Hamilton-Craig I, Clifton PM, O’Brien R, Bishop W, George P, Barter PJ, Bates T, Burnett JR, Coakley J, Davidson P, Emery J, Martin A, Farid W, Freeman L, Geelhoed E, Juniper A, Kidd A, Kostner K. Atheroscler Suppl. 2011 Oct;12(2):221-63.

High Dose Statin Therapy in Asians: Is it as relevant as in western populations? K.Kostner . J Clin and Prev Cardio. 2012 Jan. 24-26.
Use of fibrates in clinical practice: Queensland Lipid Group consensus recommendations. Hamilton-Craig I, Kostner KM, Woodhouse S, Colquhoun D. 2012 Sep;10(3):181-90.
Kostner KM, Maerz W, Kostner GM. When should we measure Lp(a). Eur Heart J 2013;34(42):3268-76.
Lipid Modifying therapy in the elderly. Hamilton-Craig I, Colquhoun D, Kostner K, Woodhouse S, d’Emden M.
Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2015 May 14;11:251-63. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S40474. eCollection 2015. Review.

Statin intolerance-an attempt at a unified definition.position paper from an International Lipid Expert Panel. Banach M, Rizzo M, Toth PP, Farnier M, Davidson MH, Al-Rasadi K, Aronow WS, Athyros V, Djuric DM, Ezhov MV, Greenfield RS, Hovingh GK, Kostner K, Serban C, Lighezan D, Fras Z, Moriarty PM, Muntner P, Goudev A, Ceska R, Nicholls SJ, Broncel M, Nikolic D, Pella D, Puri R, Rysz J, Wong ND, Bajnok L, Jones SR, Ray KK, Mikhailidis DP.
Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2015 Jun;14(6):935-55. doi: 10.1517/14740338.2015.1039980. Epub 2015 Apr 24.

Statin intolerance-an attempt at a unified definition.position paper from an International Lipid Expert Panel. Banach M, Rizzo M, Toth PP, Farnier M, Davidson MH, Al-Rasadi K, Aronow WS, Athyros V, Djuric DM, Ezhov MV, Greenfield RS, Hovingh GK, Kostner K, Serban C, Lighezan D, Fras Z, Moriarty PM, Muntner P, Goudev A, Ceska R, Nicholls SJ, Broncel M, Nikolic D, Pella D, Puri R, Rysz J, Wong ND, Bajnok L, Jones SR, Ray KK, Mikhailidis DP.
Arch Med Sci. 2015 Mar 16;11(1):1-23. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2015.49807. Epub 2015 Mar 14.

Coronary Calcification in Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Not all about LDL.
Kostner K. Atherosclerosis. 2016 Nov;254:303-304.

Lipoprotein (a): A Historical Appraisal. Kostner KM, Kostner GM. J Lipid Res. 2017 Jan;58(1):1-14


Atypical elevation of creatine phosphokinase and isoenzyme (CKMB) levels in a patient with mitral valve disease. U.Hoffmann, C.Kurek, K.Kostner, C.Scholten, M.Clodi, I.Lang, T.Steffenelli. European Heart Journal (1996) 17: 1764-1765

EDTA treated plasma and serum give different results when assayed for phospholipids with a test-combination phospholipid kit. M.Mahon, B.Cham, K.Kostner. Clinical Chemistry (1993) 39: 2347-2348


Assembly and catabolism of lipoprotein (a). Wo Xingde, Karam Kostner, Sasa Frank and Gert Kostner. Atherosclerosis XI, 567-574 (1998)

Lipoprotein (a). Karam M.Kostner, Sasa Frank and Gert M. Kostner. Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology Wass+Shalet eds (2002) 1561-1564pp

Atherosclerosis: Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Editors: GM Kostner and KM Kostner. Monduzzi Editore. July 2002

Atherosclerosis XIII: The catabolism of Lipoprotein (a). GM Kostner, A Hrzenjak, S Frank, T Van Berkel, X Wo, KM Kostner. Elsevier International Congress Series 1262 (2004) 554-557

Treatment of elevated Lp(a). K.Kostner: Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology Atherosclerosis (Springer) 2005;Vol 170: 519-36

Novel lipid-modifying agents. E.A.Stein. K.M.Kostner, D.R.Sullivan. Therapeutic Strategies in Lipid Disorders: Clinical Publishing Oxford 2009.

Published Abstracts:

Approx. 350