Prof. Manfredi Rizzo, MD, PhD
Prof. Rizzo studied medicine and got training in Internal Medicine in Italy. He spent several years in the United States, working at University of California. There he was able to gain clinical and research experience on patients with different metabolic disorders, including dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome. When back from the USA, he continued to gain clinical and research experience over the years in several Universities in Europe and, more recently, in the Middle East.
Prof. Rizzo is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the School of Medicine, University of Palermo, Italy with a joint position as Head of the Unit of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Prevention at the University Hospital (Policlinic) of Palermo. He is also the Head of the Cardiometabolic Research Laboratory of the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Palermo.
Prof. Rizzo mantains a Faculty position in the USA, where he is Adjunct Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the School of Medicine, University of South Carolina, with a research position at the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (leaded by the A.T. Chalk Endowed Professor Ali. A. Rizvi). Currently, Prof. Rizzo is on sabbatical leave since he joined Novo Nordisk in January 2019 as Chief Medical and Scientific Advisor, Diabetes, with scientific responsability for Diabetes in 20 European countries within the geographical area of East and South Europe.
Prof. Rizzo sits on the editorial board of 10 international journals with Impact Factor (IF), including Metabolism (IF: 5,963) and BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease (IF: 5,108). He has been the recipient of national and international fellowships and awards, and acted as reviewer for 100+ international scientific journals. The research work of Dr. Rizzo combines translational research (main focus on the effects and mechanisms of action of anti-diabetic agents) and basic research (focus on novel cardiometabolic risk factors), with 250+ scientific publications in international journals with Impact Factor (total Impact Factor: >800; H-Index: 47).
Finally, Prof. Rizzo was the Coordinator, Vice-Chairman or co-Chairman of International Expert Panel Documents in the field of dyslipidemia, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. He is currently National Board Member of the Italian Society of Nutraceuticals (SINUT) and Executive Board Member of the Mediterranean Group for the Study of Diabetes (MGSD).